Wholesale Terms of Sale

Shipping and Delivery Policy

Thank you for your partnership with Alpha Lion. The following information sets out the terms and conditions that constitute our Shipping and Delivery Policy:

– Damaged Products, Incorrect Products or Missing Products.

A Claim report must be filed with Alpha Lion no later than five (5) business days after the date of delivery receipt of the shipment. Any claims submitted after this time will not be accepted.

In instances where claims are warranted, vendors can elect for either a refund or reshipment of items.

Missing Items

When you receive your shipment from Alpha Lion, you are responsible to check the BOL information to confirm that you received ALL the indicated number of products.

Note: If at the time of delivery you are missing any products, please make sure you have the reference BOL - before the delivery agent leaves your premises.

Claim Reports for missing items that exceed a carton size require the inclusion of the following attachments:

1. A copy of the BOL with the notation of the missing number of carton/s.

2. Confirmation if the shrink wrap was damaged and/or missing.

Without the required attachments, the claim report will not be assessed.Where possible, please provide photos of the packaging and or pallets in the condition they arrive, that show the total number of cartons received and any damage present.

This information will greatly assist in the review process.

Damaged Items

Claim reports for damaged products must always include a photo of the damaged product for a report to be assessed. Claim Reports without the inclusion of a photo that shows the damage will not be accepted.

Incorrect Product

A photo of the incorrect product should be provided to approve the claim. The company will provide a return label to ship back the wrong product to the warehouse. If the incorrect product is not shipped back to Alpha Lion within five (5) business days from the receipt of the shipping label, the claim report will be considered as closed and any further claims will not be processed.


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